Unlocking the Nutritional Value and Health Benefits of Guava: A Comprehensive Guide

Nutritional Value and Health Benefits of Guava

Guava is not only delicious but also packed with nutrients. It’s one such fruit that is available throughout the year. Its scientific name is isPsidiumguajava. One guava contains the same amount of nutrients as 4 oranges and 4 oranges. It contains a lot of water, fiber, vitamins A, B, K, potassium, calcium, protein, and minerals. Guava is a good source of vitamin C.

Powerful Ways to Prevent Diabetes and Promote Optimal Health

Guava is very beneficial for diabetic patients. The ingredients in guava juice are very effective in treating diabetes mellitus. Guava leaves are also very effective in preventing diabetes. Due to the fiber content and low glycemic index of guavas, consumption of guavas keeps blood sugar levels under control and hence reduces the risk of diabetes.

Effective Strategies to Prevent Cancer and Promote Long-lasting Health

Guava also works very well in preventing cancer. Anti-oxidant, lycopene, this fruit can build resistance against cancer cells. Guava is very beneficial in preventing prostate and breast cancer.

Increase Immunity

Guava contains a large amount of vitamin C and antioxidants, which increase the body’s immunity by fighting against harmful bacteria and viruses. It gives the body strength to fight against various diseases. Anti-oxidants play an important role in drying the wound when it is cut anywhere in the body.

Increase Eyesight

Vitamin-A present in guava improves eyesight and plays a special role in preventing night blindness. By eating it, the chances of developing cataracts are greatly reduced.

Control High Blood Pressure

Guava increases the balance of sodium and potassium in the body, which regulates blood pressure in people with high blood pressure. Guava lowers the levels of triglycerides and a bad cholesterol called LDL which greatly reduces the chances of heart disease. As a result, less fat accumulates in the blood. At the same time, guava increases the level of cholesterol called HDL, which helps in keeping the heart healthy.

Eliminates Cold Problems

Guava contains a lot of vitamin C and iron, due to which prevents respiratory problems, colds, and flu. Guava prevents various cold-related problems, such as bronchitis. Guava also reduces mucus as it contains iron and vitamin C.

Eliminates Stress

Due to the presence of magnesium in guava, it helps to relax the muscles and nerves. It increases nerve function. It reduces stress and increases energy.

Effective for Stomach Upset

Guava is most effective for any bacterial infection or stomach upset. Guava is a fibrous fruit and hence the juice of this fruit works very well in treating stomach ailments including constipation, and dysentery. Guava also helps in weight loss.

Keep the Skin and Hair Healthy

Guava contains a lot of water, which helps in keeping the skin and hair healthy. Removes rough skin and prevents cracked feet in winter. It retains youth for a long time.

Reduce Period Pain

Many women and adolescent girls experience severe abdominal pain during their period and need to take medication for relief. If one chews guava leaves or consumes guava juice during this time, her period pain can be relieved quickly. Also does not leave any side effects on the body.

Fight Diarrhea

Eating guava reduces the risk of diarrhea. Besides, this fruit has the ability to fight against bacteria.

Helps Maintain Blood Circulation in the Brain

Guava contains vitamin B3 and vitamin B6 which helps in maintaining good blood circulation in the brain.

Improves the Nervous System of Baby

Guava contains folic acid which is essential for a pregnant mother. It improves the nervous system. And also it keeps children away from neurological disorders.

Relieves Toothache

Guava leaves have anti-inflammatory properties and very strong antibacterial properties that fight infections and destroy bacteria. So, guava leaves are a very good medicine for toothache.

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