Nutritional Value and Benefits of Green Mango

Nutritional Value and Benefits of Green Mango

The taste of raw mango can bring relief in intense heat. Just as raw mango can be drunk as drinks in hot, raw mango pest with chili, sugar, and salt is also a tempting dish. Mangoes can be eaten raw by making pickles, chutneys, juices, etc. Many people make mango pickles in various ways to enjoy the taste of mangoes throughout the year. In this way, mangoes can be stored for a long time. Nutritionists say that every 100 grams of raw mango contains 44 calories of potassium, 54 mg of vitamin C and 27 mg of magnesium.

Helps to reduce body weight

As raw mangoes contain less sugar than ripe mangoes, they provide very few calories to the body. Moreover, it also helps in burning excess calories accumulated in the body. Again, the fiber in it helps in digestion. It cleanses the intestines and removes acidity, constipation, and indigestion. So for those who want to lose weight, raw mango is an ideal fruit.

Eliminates colon problems

Eating raw mangoes increases gall bladder acid and bile. This improves colon health and eliminates intestinal bacterial infections. So, raw mango is a natural remedy for liver disease.

Increases immunity

Raw mangoes are rich in carotenoids and rich in vitamin C, which boost the immune system and help meet the body’s calcium requirements, resulting in strong bones. In addition, vitamin C helps the body fight inflammation, the form of new blood cells, and helps prevent bleeding tendencies. It plays a special role in the formation of our teeth and bones.

Eliminates the problem of Acidity

Most people suffer from stomach gas problems due to diet. Raw mangoes contain gallic acid which speeds up the digestion process. So eating raw mangoes can get relief from the problem of acidity very quickly.

Reduces scurvy and bleeding gums

Raw mangoes contain vitamin C, which is essential for the body, and reduces scurvy and bleeding gums. Besides, raw mango also helps prevent bad breath and tooth decay.

Keeps the body cool

Raw mango plays a very effective role in filling sodium chloride and iron deficiency in our bodies the potassium in it works to keep the body cool from the inside. As a result, sweating is reduced. Fatigue also decreases. It reduces the risk of heat stroke.

Some precautions in eating mangoes

Although mango is a useful fruit, it is not advisable to eat too much of it at once. Because ripe mangoes contain more sugar. One cup of mango has 100 calories. And 90 percent of it comes from the sugar in the mango. So eating this fruit increases the level of glucose in the blood. Eating too much mango is harmful for people suffering from diabetes. People with diabetes should consult a doctor before consuming mangoes. In most cases, it is recommended to eat half a ripe mango a day. A medium mango contains three grams of fiber. So, there is a fear of indigestion or diarrhea if you eat too many mangoes at once.

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