Nutritional Value and Benefits of Banana

Nutritional Value and Benefits of Banana

Banana is a very familiar fruit to us. Its cheap price makes it an acceptable product for everyone. Banana plays an important role in maintaining health in our daily life. The fruit is being used for the treatment of various diseases, including skin, eyes, hair, feet, teeth, etc. It is green when raw and yellow when ripe.

Bananas are good for the heart

Bananas are rich in potassium which keeps the heart muscles fresh. Reduces the risk of a heart attack.Reduces the chances of brain stroke to a great extent. Bananas are very useful in reducing blood pressure.

Banana keeps kidneys healthy

Potassium and magnesium in bananas help the kidneys function properly. Studies show that people who eat bananas daily are 40 percent less likely to develop kidney disease. It helps reduce the chances of kidney stones. It helps in reducing urinary tract infections.

Banana cures ulcers

Bananas’ mucilage helps to heal damaged mucous membranes in the lining of the stomach. Banana fiber reduces the risk of gastritis.

Banana helps in digestion

Eating a ripe banana 30 minutes after a fatty meal will help digest fat faster. Harmful parts of fat are easily digested due to bananas. Bananas are rich in fiber which helps in digestion. Banana contains a fiber called pectin which helps to keep away problems like constipation.

Bananas are a source of vitamins

Bananas have A to Z vitamins. Think, just eating bananas will get you all the vitamins. Potassium, magnesium, manganese, and vitamins B and C in it are very beneficial for the body.

Bananas retain youth

Vitamins and other elements in bananas protect cells from premature aging. Banana increases the amount of water in the skin cells, so the skin’s suppleness is maintained. Vitamin E helps to retain youth. Magnesium in bananas helps in the collagen formation of the skin and protects the skin from free radical damage.

Bananas reduce the risk of cancer

Overripen bananas contain a compound called TNF-A, which increases the body’s immune system and white blood cells. This reduces the risk of blood cancer.

Bananas reduce stress

An important component of bananas is the amino acid tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin through a chemical reaction after being absorbed into the blood. Serotonin works to create pleasurable feelings. Proper levels of serotonin will keep your mind healthy and reduce stress. These include magnesium and calcium which work against depression.

Bananas Increase Blood

Bananas contain vitamin B-6 which increases the number of red blood cells. Its calcium strengthens the bones resulting in better production of blood cells from the bones and reduces anemia.

Banana Boosts Immunity

Bananas are rich in antioxidants called carotenoids which boost immunity manifold. Bananas are rich in Vitamin A so they will improve the brightness of your eyes.

Banana boosts memory

Eating a banana every day will strengthen your brain memory which means your memory power will increase. Its various ingredients provide the brain with essential nutrients.

Banana helps in gaining and losing weight

Eating 2 ripe bananas and 250 ml of condensed milk daily increases body weight. Again, eating less ripe bananas for 2-3 minutes interval fills the stomach and reduces the appetite, so the weight is reduced. Less ripe bananas contain more resistance starch which helps in weight loss but increases energy.

Invalidity of bananas

As much as bananas are beneficial, they can be harmful to your body if consumed in excess.

• Taking extra bananas is not suitable for people with kidney disease, diabetes, pregnant women, people suffering from allergies, etc.
• Eating large amounts of bananas at night can cause insomnia because bananas increase energy in our bodies.
• If we have a cold, then it is better not to eat bananas because eating more bananas increases our tendency to catch colds.
• Fiber is a very essential element for us which we get in bananas but eating too much bananas can make our body gain weight.
• Bananas are high in sugar and carbohydrates so eating too many bananas can cause dental problems because too much sugar and carbohydrates are not good for our teeth.
• Different people can be allergic to different fruits or vegetables, so if your allergy is aggravated by eating bananas, you must stop eating bananas.

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