Ginger-Nutrition Facts, Uses & Health Benefits

Ginger- Nutrition Facts, Uses & Health Benefits

Ginger is a well-known food.We eat ginger every day with something.Many people take it with tea and many others chew it.But ginger is mostly used in curries means in cooking.Ginger contains elements like magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, silicon, sodium iron, calcium.All these elements are very necessary and beneficial for the body.Ginger is rich in antioxidants, which boost the immune system of our body.It also protects against any kind of infection&inflammation.Ginger also works very well to get rid of gas & heartburn problems.And ginger also helps in weight loss.Ginger is especially good for digestion.Ginger contains gingerol, a bioactive substance that helps reduce symptoms such as: nausea and vomiting.It also works in the body against cancer and heart disease.

Nutritional Value of Ginger (Per 100 grams)

79 calories, 17.86 carbohydrates, 3.6 grams of edible fiber, 3.57 grams of protein, 33 mg of potassium, 1.15 grams of iron, 14 mg of sodium, 7.7 mg of vitamin-C.

Health Benefits of Ginger

Ginger for Stomach Problems
Ginger is very helpful in preventing stomach upset.It helps relax the gastrointestinal tract abdominal muscles.Hence it reduces abdominal gas and bloating.Ginger also contains vitamin B-six.It is one such ingredient, which works to solve any problem of our excreta.

Increases Blood Circulation

Ginger juice increases blood circulation in the body.It contains vitamins, minerals and amino acids.Consuming ginger juice or ginger tea daily keeps the heart healthy and reduces the risk of heart disease to a great extent.Ginger is rich in potassium.Ginger juice prevents fatty deposits in the arteries, thereby reducing the risk of heart attacks.

Reduces Menstrual Pain

Those who have pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation, they can soak a towel in boiled ginger water and apply it to the stomach.You can also mix ginger tea with honey.By doing this, the menstrual cycle will be normal. Ginger is very effective in reducing muscle pain.It also helps reduce severe period pain in girls.

Reduces Arthritis Pain

People with rheumatic diseases should eat ginger regularly.It contains a lot of calcium, which makes bones strong and strong.As a result, relief from rheumatic diseases is obtained.Ginger reduces the symptoms of arthritis.Especially those who have arthritis in their knees.

Control Diabetes

Ginger works to reduce sugar levels in our body.It helps the body produce insulin, which keeps diabetes under control.

Helps in Digestion

Ginger helps in digestion.Chew some ginger after a heavy meal.You will see that the stomach discomfort will go away.Ginger juice helps the nutrients in the food to spread quickly in the body.It also produces a kind of mucus in the stomach which eliminates the possibility of ulcers.If you are suffering from constipation for a long time then make a habit of eating ginger regularly.The habit of consuming ginger daily will play an important role in preventing your constipation by increasing the speed of your bowel movement.

Nausea will Go Away

Eating ginger daily will reduce nausea.Pregnant women and people undergoing chemotherapy can especially benefit from it. You can eat ginger if you feel nauseous on a long journey.Cut the ginger into small pieces and keep theses in the bag.Chew mint leaves and some ginger.Nausea will go away.Also, drinking ginger tea with honey before leaving home will make you feel better.

Increases Immunity

Ginger destroys germs in the body and increases immunity.Eat two pieces of ginger with each meal.In this, the accumulated phlegm in the chest will come out and the risk of illness will be reduced to a great extent.

Cleans the Mouth

The extract contains anti-bacterial ingredients that kill germs inside the mouth and maintain good dental health.

Destroys Infectious Disease

Ginger contains anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties which help in curing external sores and infections.

Calms the Mind

A cup of ginger tea will calm you down after a long day.You can also take a bath with boiled ginger water after returning home from office.The body will be neat.

Cure from Cancer

It has anti-cancer properties.Ginger’s high anti-oxidant content prevents the formation of cancer cells in the body.Sometimes cancer cells are formed in the body, but they are protected from spreading.

Reduces Migraine Pain

Ginger juice suppresses inflammation of blood vessels.Ginger tea is very useful in reducing migraine pain.Vitamins and nutrients present in it provide migraine relief.You can apply ginger paste on your forehead if you have a headache due to migraine.Gradually the pain will subside.

Relieves Cold and Cough

Ginger is a natural pain reliever.Ginger juice has been used as a cold and cough medicine since ancient times.To solve the problem of cold or cough, mix honey with ginger juice and heat it for 10 seconds.Get well soon.

Disadvantages of Eating Excess Ginger

Ginger is safe to eat daily but experts recommend limiting yourself to 3-4 grams a day- stick to 1 gram if you are pregnant. Taking more than 6 grams of ginger a day has been proven to cause gastrointestinal issues such as: reflux, heartburn and diarrhea.

• Ginger tea should not consume in excess as it may cause insomnia.
• Eating too much ginger while pregnant can increase the risk of miscarriage.Ginger should not be consumed during pregnancy as it increases the chances of having a premature baby.Therefore, ginger should be eaten or avoided during pregnancy according to the doctor’s advice.
• Eating more ginger can reduce diabetes and high blood pressure which is harmful.Also, those taking diabetes and blood pressure medications should not eat ginger.
• Eating too much ginger can cause diarrhea and stomach pain.
• Eating more ginger increases heart rate.
• Excessive use of ginger may cause sore throat.
• In case of eye and skin irritation due to excessive ginger intake; consult a doctor immediately.
• Eating too much ginger can cause bleeding.

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