Garlic: A ‘Wonder Drug’ and ‘Wonder Medicine’

Garlic: A ‘Wonder Drug’ and ‘Wonder Medicine’

Garlic is a very nutritious food.Garlic is an important ingredient in our daily diet.This garlic contains vitamin C, vitamin B1 and vitamin B6.Garlic contains several minerals.For example: Manganese, Selenium, Calcium, Copper, Potassium, Phosphorus and Iron.Selenium works great in preventing cancer.Garlic contains an essential and important ingredient called allicin, which is effective in eliminating various physical problems including cancer.Garlic is considered a super food because of the compound found in garlic called allicin.Adults can keep it in their regular diet to protect their health.

Helps reduce High Blood Pressure

Garlic is one of the many foods to lower high blood pressure.Blood pressure rises due to increase in LDL in the body and LDL cholesterol is responsible for heart disease, stroke, heart attack, high blood pressure.Eating two cloves of garlic daily in the morning on an empty stomach will prevent hypertension.

Keeps Blood Fluid

Raw garlic helps keep your blood fluid.What do heart patients eat?Take an aspirin daily.What does aspirin do?Helps keep blood fluid. If you eat raw garlic, the blood stays liquid.No need to take aspirin.That is, raw garlic can act as a natural aspirin and raw garlic can act as a natural antibiotic. When you eat raw garlic regularly, it acts as a natural antibiotic.As a result, it dries up easily if it is cut anywhere.Because raw garlic is circulating in his blood as an antibiotic.

Prevents Cell Damage and Aging

Raw garlic contains enough anti-oxidants and these anti-oxidants protect our body from various harmful substances.A variety of waste materials are created inside the body. Many harmful substances from inside and outside the cells try to harm our body.Anti-oxidants present in raw garlic can counteract these harmful substances from outside and inside.The antioxidants present in garlic prevent ‘cell damage’ and ‘ageing’.Reduces brain cell damage and protects against diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia.


Raw garlic is a powerful detox.We live in a civilization where some unusual foods and chemical rich foods are making us sick.This is why detox methods are so popular all over the world now.A three-day, five-day, seven-day, 15-day detox is being done, so that all the garbage inside the body can be removed. When you eat raw garlic, this raw garlic will help flush out heavy metals from the body.That’s why raw garlic works as a powerful detox.

Increase Immunity

Garlic’s antibacterial, antifungal properties make it almost like a medicine that boosts the immune system.This benefit is more if you eat garlic on an empty stomach.Currently, in this epidemic situation, it is very important to increase immunity, so you can eat two cloves of garlic daily.Eating garlic on an empty stomach increases immunity.

Helpful in Increasing Male Sexual Power

Male sexual power can decrease due to various reasons, in that case, eating two cloves of garlic on an empty stomach every morning will gradually increase the sexual power.The main source of male power is the flow of blood.

Heart Booster

Those who are troubled with minor heart problems, sometimes feel pain on the left side of the chest, have difficulty climbing stairs should swallow two cloves of garlic with water every morning on an empty stomach; it will strengthen the heart, heart blocks due to increased blood circulation.It will no longer increase and cause disturbances, the chest pain will decrease, it will not be difficult to climb the stairs.

Prevent Infection

Infection can occur at any time in the human body.Infectious disease is a condition that has no premonitory symptoms.Eating two cloves of garlic every morning on an empty stomach prevents the body from infection.

Prevent Lung Infection

Infections in the lungs can occur for a variety of reasons.Allergy problems, colds can cause infection in the lungs, to get rid of which, garlic juice is prevented from rising and turmeric powder with hot water as a tea does not cause infection.And eating two cloves of garlic daily on an empty stomach is very effective in preventing lung infections.

Purifies the Blood

Eating two cloves of garlic on an empty stomach every day increases the blood purification capacity and restores the normal speed of blood circulation. It keeps the body healthy, smooth blood circulation is a very effective way for a healthy body.

Keeps Skin Healthy

Eating two cloves of garlic daily on an empty stomach keeps the skin healthy, does not show signs of aging on the skin and reduces any spots on the face.Garlic helps keep the skin healthy.

Unwanted Swelling or Lumps on the Body

Many people have swollen lumps in different places in the body, it does not increase or decrease, it does not hurt but the swelling does not mix. To remove such swelling or from the whole body, eat six to eight cloves of garlic every day on an empty stomach in the morning and two cloves of garlic after meals at noon and night.The swelling will gradually subside.Or fry two cloves of garlic lightly and eat it.

Increases Bone Strength
After a certain age, women’s bone strength decreases due to various reasons.Eating 2 grams of garlic per day balances estrogen levels in women’s bodies, while those with low levels increases a slight.As a result, bone related problems are reduced a lot.Even women who have gone through menopause can benefit from regular consumption of garlic.

Live Longer

When you eat raw garlic, you will have a long life. Gradually, you will be on your way to a healthy, active long life.So what to do?What do we want?We all want to be healthy.We all want to live healthy, active, long lives. For this purpose, eat 1 to 2 cloves or 2 cloves of raw garlic every day in the morning or at any other time and definitely chew it.You will have a healthy, active, long life.

Harms of Garlic

Many people think that garlic is good for asthma too. In this case, the antifungal works actively but if you have allergic asthma, garlic can aggravate the allergy in some people.In addition, experts recommend avoiding garlic before or after surgery.Many people are allergic to garlic and if you experience any discomfort after consuming it regularly, then it is best to avoid garlic.

May Produce Liver Toxicity

Blood purification, fat and protein metabolism, removal of ammonia from the body etc. are some of the functions of the liver.Studies show that the ‘allicin’ component in garlic can cause liver toxicity if garlic is consumed in excess.


Eating garlic on an empty stomach can cause diarrhea.Because garlic contains sulfur that produces gas in the stomach and has a significant role in causing diarrhea.

Vomiting and Heartburn

Consuming fresh garlic on an empty stomach can cause heartburn, nausea and vomiting.


Eating too much garlic causes bad breath.The main reason for this is the sulfur in garlic.

Not for Pregnant Women

Pregnant women should avoid consuming garlic.Because it can increase labor pain.Breastfeeding mothers should also stay away from garlic as it alters the taste of the milk.


Eating too much garlic can lower blood pressure, resulting in various symptoms of low blood pressure.

Vision Problems
Eating too much garlic can lead to ‘hyphema’.That is, it can cause bleeding between the iris and the cornea.The result may be loss of vision.

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