Flying pigeons for pleasure

Flying pigeons for pleasure

Pigeon rearing is a common hobby for many people around the world. It is a symbol of peace and affection. Besides being regular loving pets, historically pigeons are used to communicate in the ancient world. Even it is recorded that in the 2nd world war time, pigeons are used for spying.

But nowadays pigeons are generally reared for three purposes and on the basis of purposes the species of pigeons are broadly differentiated. 1. Fancy pigeons are reared as domestic pets and meat production. 2. Homing Pigeons they are generally renowned for their homing or returning capacity and they are generally used for long-distance racing. 3. Tripler or high-flying pigeons that variety, like to fly in a circular manner and try to reach high above even some pigeons, have the record to reach up to 11000 feet high.

Since 1998 still pigeon is one of the most important parts of my daily life. I have started my pigeon rearing by fancy pigeon rearing and for a short period of time, I have reared racing pigeons too. But at last, my affection and passion have stuck with a high-flying pigeon. When I fly my pigeon and they enter in deep blue even if sometimes they go above the clouds it gives me immense pleasure.

Routine for my Pigeon Loft.

1st of all a shelter is needed for pigeons which can protect them from rain, extreme cold, and heat almost 1.5 cubic feet is ideal for each pigeon if your cleaning system works fine otherwise it may require more space. Generally, I wake up at 6 O’clock and after having a bath I go to my loft and check the condition of dropping. Then I check the condition of the baby pigeons.

Feeding of pigeons

For flying loft, I prefer to provide some common grains. Sunflower seed, mustard, three types of chickpeas, 2 types of millet, and grid (small brick chips mixed with rock salt, oyster chips, etc. twice a week. For baby breeding loft/ parents of baby pigeons, I like to avoid large-size chickpeas. For the Flying loft, I provide food once a day, and in the breeding loft, I provide food and water 3 times. Many people around the world like to provide wheat for pigeons but from my personal experience, I realized that long-term use of wheat may cause the digestion deficiency of your birds. If you want to keep your bird fit for a long period then after providing food and water you have to observe that your pigeon has ended its appetite for this time. And you should remove the water and food immediately. Otherwise dropping of birds can contaminate the food and water which may lead to many diseases.

Medication for common diseases

Deworming on a bi-monthly basis and regular vitamins, minerals, and providing some antibiotics are needed for your health loft. I prefer to provide zinc, amino acid, vitamin B solution, and calcium for 3 to 5 days every month.

As pigeons are very common carriers of salmonella and Newcastle disease germs so it is mandatory for you. To reduce the risk of Newcastle I prefer to use an oral vaccine with water once in every two months. And to reduce the risk of salmonella and canker for the last 5 years a combination of two medicine has worked miraculously for my loft. (Augment Vet { that is a mix of Amoxicillin & Clavulanic Acid}) and I add a gram of metronidazole powder and Augment Vet powder in per liter water and give the dose for 5 days in every 2 months.

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