Exploring the Top Health Benefits of Tamarind Fruit

Tamarind- A Miracle Fruit

Because of its many nutrients, tamarind is a highly valued food in the world. Tamarind contains many essential chemical compounds, as well as vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The scientific name of this fruit is Tamarindusindica. Tamarind is rich in vitamin C and is a fruit with anti-oxidant properties. Young leaves are rich in amino acids. Leaf juice helps to cure colds, coughs, urinary pain, piles, worms, and eye inflammation. Tamarind seeds contain an enzyme that lowers blood sugar levels. It controls diabetes. Herbal insecticides can be made from tamarind leaves. Tamarind fruits, seeds, leaves, flowers, and tree bark are each valuable.

Nutrional Value of Tamarind

Every 100 grams of tamarind contains 36% of thiamin, 35% of iron, 23% of magnesium, and 16% of phosphorus which is recommended for daily nutrition. Other key nutrients include niacin, calcium, vitamin C, copper, and pyridoxine.

Health Benefits of Tamarind

Improves digestion

Tamarind helps in solving stomach problems like diarrhea and constipation. It contains tartaric acid, potassium, and malic acid. Tamarind is also used to treat diarrhea; as it helps relax the stomach muscles. The root and bark of the tamarind tree are used to reduce colic.

Benefits of eating tamarind during pregnancy

All women often like to eat sweet and sour during pregnancy. So, pregnant women can eat tamarind. Pregnant women get plenty of vitamin C and vitamin E from tamarind. Apart from this, tamarind also reduces bad cholesterol in the body. Eating sweet tamarind during pregnancy also relieves constipation.

Helps control diabetes

Tamarind helps in controlling diabetes. Because tamarind contains an enzyme called alpha-amylase, which slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, which can lead to the build-up of simple sugars or fat and insulin. Tamarind helps stabilize blood sugar levels, as well as reduces pancreatic tissue damage associated with diabetes.

Helps in weight loss

Tamarind has no fat and is rich in fiber. It is full of polyphenols and flavonoids and also contains hydroxy citric acid, which curbs appetite by inhibiting amylase, which is responsible for converting carbohydrates into fat.

Strengthens the heart

Tamarind is one of the heart-friendly fruits. Tamarind contains flavonoids, which help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels. Additionally, tamarind contains high potassium, which is very beneficial in treating high blood pressure. Tamarind also helps prevent the accumulation of triglycerides (a type of fat) in the blood, which keeps the heart healthy and strong.

Fights Cancer

Tamarind is rich in antioxidants. Studies have shown that tamarind seed extract can help reduce the severity of kidney cancer due to its antioxidant properties.

Helps in wound healing

Tamarind has amazing antibacterial, antipyretic, and antiseptic properties. It is very beneficial when used for the purpose of quick wound healing. Studies have shown that tamarind seed extract is able to heal wounds completely within 10 days.

Prevents formation of peptic ulcers

Peptic ulcers are painful ulcers that appear in the stomach and small intestine. A tamarind seed extract has a protective effect against ulcers, as tamarind is rich in polyphenolic compounds. These compounds also help prevent ulcer formation.

Clears the skin

Tamarind is rich in vitamins C and A, as well as other antioxidants present in tamarind enable it to act as a natural skin remedy. Tamarind has also been found to be helpful in protecting the skin from the sun’s UV rays. Tamarind also contains alpha hydroxy acids, which act as a great exfoliating agent to get rid of dead skin cells and unclog pores.

Treats Cough, Cold, and Asthma

Tamarind is very effective in curing cough and cold. It has antihistamine properties, which not only help control colds and coughs but are also used in the treatment of allergic asthma. Tamarind is also a good source of vitamin C, which boosts immunity to fight colds.

Protects Liver

Tamarind has been proven to be very beneficial in protecting the liver. Liver damage due to excessive drinking of alcohol can be treated using tamarind leaves.

Benefits for hair

Tamarind, if used in hair packs can effectively control hair fall and promote hair growth. It controls dandruff and hair loss.

Uses of Tamarind

Tamarind has long been used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. Tamarind is used as a spice in the kitchen, which helps add flavor to food. Tamarind is used in vegetable preparation, salad, and various cooking.

 Chutney is made from tamarind fruit and leaves.
 Tamarind leaves are used to reduce swelling and pain.
 Ripe tamarind is used to make jam.
 Tamarind is used in Ayurvedic medicine.
 Tamarind juice is used to make drinks.

Disadvantages of Tamarind

Although tamarind has many nutritional and health benefits; it also has some side effects. Tamarind can increase the risk of bleeding and can be extremely dangerous when taken with certain anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and anti-platelet drugs.

Eating too much tamarind during pregnancy is very harmful to pregnant women. So if you are pregnant then consume tamarind in moderate quantity and with doctor’s advice. There are many medicines in the market that we should not take tamarind with. Therefore, in severe cases, tamarind should be consumed with a doctor’s advice.

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