Benefits of moringa oleifera: Nutrition, Health Benefits & Uses

Benefits of moringa oleifera: Nutrition, Health Benefits & Uses

Drumsticks are scientifically known as Moringa Oleifera. It is a drought-resistant, fast-growing plant that belongs to the Moringaceae family. Almost every part of the drumstick tree is edible. People use them in traditional herbal medicines, especially pods and leaves. The supplement comes in the form of a capsule or powder. Although, consuming drumsticks in their original form is always better. The leaves are generally high in various vitamins and minerals. Nevertheless, pods are a great vitamin C source. One hundred grams of fresh pods meet 157% of our daily vitamin C requirement. Consequently, they can be an excellent addition to our diet, especially if someone is a vegetarian trying to gain muscle. It is a nutritious plant with rich bioactive plant compounds. In addition, drumsticks also contain antioxidants. Therefore, one can use them to prepare various healthy recipes. In addition, one can use readily available ingredients to make delicious recipes.

Health Benefits of Moringa oleifera

Drumsticks are well known for their health benefits. They contain vitamin A, C and B complex vitamins. Furthermore, drumsticks are good sources of calcium, phosphorus and iron. Therefore, including them in our daily diet helps prevent anaemia. For a plant source, drumsticks have a rich protein profile.

Moringa Controls Blood Sugar

High blood glucose levels often result in diabetes. Over time, high blood glucose levels can increase the risk of heart disease. Therefore, it is essential to maintain normal blood glucose levels. Drumstick (Moringa) plants can help lower blood glucose levels. It is possibly due to plant compounds like isothiocyanates.

Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation is our body’s response to infections and injuries. Sustained inflammation is associated with several conditions like cancer and heart disease. However, drumsticks provide a reasonable amount of antioxidants. Furthermore, moringa leaf powder can reduce inflammation, preventing inflammatory conditions. Isothiocyanates in drumsticks are anti-inflammatory compounds. However, the degree of their effect might depend on the amount and type of combinations they have.

Reduces Cholesterol

Drumstick contains reasonable amounts of fibre. Fibre helps lower bad cholesterol by carrying excess cholesterol out of the body. Ddrumsticks lower cholesterol levels. Therefore, they can prove beneficial in preventing heart diseases like atherosclerosis and stroke.

Improves Vision

Drumsticks are a rich source of vitamin-A. As a result, they aid in promoting eye health. One can use vitamin-A in conditions like cataracts and dry eyes. They also reduce the thickening of capillary membranes. Furthermore, they can help avoid eye dysfunction.

Helps During Pregnancy and Lactation

Drumsticks are a powerhouse of nutrients. They contain vitamins like A, B, C and K. They also contain minerals like calcium, magnesium and iron. Furthermore, they are a great source of dietary fibre and protein. All these nutrients are essential during pregnancy.Adding drumsticks to one’s meals can help with morning sickness and improve energy. The fibre content helps with constipation, which is common during pregnancy. Additionally, the folate content in drumsticks will help prevent congenital disabilities. It helps reduce the risk of spina bifida, a neural defect in newborns. Furthermore, a blend of moringa leaf juice is helpful to mothers after delivery because it helps improve the secretion of breast milk.

Moringa Improves Bone Strength

As we know, drumsticks contain reasonable amounts of calcium, iron and phosphorus. These nutrients in drumsticks help strengthen the bones. Therefore they can be beneficial for growing children. Daily consumption of drumsticks can help restore bone density and prove helpful for the elderly. They may prevent osteoporosis symptoms. In addition, drumsticks possess anti-inflammatory properties that aid in treating minor bone fractures and conditions like arthritis.

Use of Moringa

Use in Cosmetics

Drumstick extracts have cleansing and hydrating properties. In addition, it protects the skin from the effects of harmful pollutants. Therefore, they are now popularly used in cosmetics. They are an ingredient in beauty and skincare products. They promote skin health. In addition, they improve skin texture owing to their unique nutrient profile.

Prevent Skin Ageing

The use of drumstick leaf powder and oil is a natural remedy. It can do wonders for the skin. It helps lessen wrinkles. Furthermore, it helps firm up the skin. One can apply its leaf paste to the skin. Allow it to sit for 15 minutes and wash it off. It improves skin complexion. In addition, it can also delay skin ageing.

Reduce Spots

Drumsticks have antibacterial compounds, which prevent spots from breaking out. They contain vitamin C and improve collagen production. As a result, they enhance new skin cells’ formation and increase skin tightening. Consuming moringa pods or leaves powder helps in removing toxins. Therefore, they can improve skin quality. Overall they make skin healthier and clearer.

Food Preservative

One can use the moringa leaf extract as a food preservative.

Side Effects and Precautions

*Although most parts of the moringa plant are edible and healthy, avoid consuming its roots. It contains alkaloid Spirochin, a potential neuro-paralytic toxin that can cause paralysis and death.
*Drumstick plant leaves have cathartic properties. Eating them in excess can lead to stomach upset, heartburn, gaseous distension, and diarrhoea.
*It is always better to cook and use drumsticks. However, consuming them directly with water or raw may cause heartburn.
*Excess consumption of drumsticks can also cause sickness. Hence, one should always consume it in moderation.
*Few chemicals in the roots, flowers and bark of the tress could cause uterine contraction in pregnant women. As a result, it can increase the risk of a miscarriage. Hence, one should always consult with a doctor before adding it to the diet. In addition, one should consult with the doctor about its use when one is breastfeeding.
*Avoid consuming drumsticks when one is on blood-thinning medications because it can increase the risk of bleeding.

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