Best Benefits of Neem

Benefits and Uses of Neem

Neem (scientific name: Azadirachtaindica) is a medicinal plant whose stems, leaves, and juice are used in many ways in the daily life of people. Neem wood is very hard. Insects do not build nests. Can’t eat termites. For this reason, Neem wood furniture is also being manufactured nowadays. Besides, its wood has been used for making musical instruments since ancient times.

Neem bark is used to treat malaria, stomach and intestinal ulcers, skin diseases, pain, and fever. Neem flowers are used to reduce bile, control phlegm and treat intestinal worms. Neem fruit is used for hemorrhoids, worms, urinary tract diseases, bloody noses, phlegm, eye diseases, diabetes, wounds, and leprosy. Cosmetics are made from neem leaves. The neem tree, leaves, roots, neem fruit, neem oil, and bark are known as medicinal raw materials worldwide. Neem is valued in the present world for its use as an antiseptic.

Chest pain due to phlegm: Many times phlegm accumulates in the chest causing chest pain. For this, 30 drops of neem leaf juice mixed with little hot water and consumed 3/4 times a day will reduce chest pain. This medicine is prohibited for pregnant women, children, and the elderly.


Children become emaciated if they have stomach worms. The stomach is enlarged. The face becomes pale. For this, 50 mg of neem root bark powder should be taken 3 times a day with a little warm water.

Lice Killing:

Applying Neem leaves on the scalp after an hour and washing the head will kill the lice within 2/3 days.


In case of stomach ailment for a long time, loose stools, 30 drops of neem leaf juice mixed with half a cup of water and consumed in the morning and afternoon is beneficial.


Boiling neem leaves and bathing in water can cure scabies. If leaves or flowers are applied to the skin for a few days, it is possible to heal from itching.

Insect bites:

In case of insect bites or stings; applying neem root bark or leaves pests to the affected area relieves the pain.

Dental disease:

Regular brushing of teeth with neem leaves and bark powder or neem bark strengthens teeth.

Birth control:

Neem oil acts as a powerful spermicide. Neem oil can be a new type of effective contraceptive for women. It is capable of killing sperm within 30 seconds.

Beneficial for blood sugar:

Chewing 15 to 20 neem leaves on an empty stomach every morning is beneficial for blood sugar. If you have difficulty in chewing, consuming 5 to 6 spoons of neem leaf juice, in the same manner, will have the same benefits.

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